Friday, February 3, 2012

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Command Line Usage in grails

Grails incorporates the powerful build system Gant, which is a Groovy wrapper around Apache Ant.
The basic usage scenario is:
grails [environment]* [command name]
Grails searches in the following directories for Gant scripts to execute:
  • USER_HOME/.grails/scripts
  • PROJECT_HOME/scripts
  • PROJECT_HOME/plugins/*/scripts
  • GRAILS_HOME/scripts
If multiple matches are found Grails will give you a choice of which one to execute.
You can specify the environment that the command executes in with an optional environment parameter, either with one of the built-in environment names:
grails dev run-app
grails test run-app
grails prod run-app
Or using a -D argument if the name is not one of the three standard names:
grails -Dgrails.env=uat run-app
Refer to the user guide section on The Command Line for more information.


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