Friday, February 3, 2012

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Getting Started with Grails

  • PDF Books
  • Mastering Grails trail @ IBM developerWorks
    • Build your first Grails application
      Java programmers needn't abandon their favorite language and existing development infrastructure to adopt a modern Web development framework. In the first installment, Java expert Scott Davis introduces Grails and demonstrates how to build your first Grails application.
    • GORM: Funny name, serious technology
      Any good Web framework needs a solid persistence strategy. In this second installment of his Mastering Grails series, Scott Davis introduces the Grails Object Relational Mapping (GORM) API. See how easy it is to create relationships between tables, enforce data validation rules, and change relational databases in your Grails applications.
    • Changing the view with Groovy Server Pages
      Groovy Server Pages (GSP) puts the "Web" in the Grails Web framework. In the third installment of his Mastering Grails series, Scott Davis shows you the ins and outs of working with GSP. See how easy it is to use Grails TagLibs, mix together partial fragments of GSPs, and customize the default templates for the automatically generated (scaffolded) views.
    • Many-to-many relationships with a dollop of Ajax
      Many-to-many (m:m) relationships can be tricky to deal with in a Web application. In this installment of Mastering Grails, Scott Davis shows you how to implement m:m relationships in Grails successfully. See how they're handled by the Grails Object Relational Mapping (GORM) API and the back-end database. Also find out how a bit of Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript + XML) can streamline the user interface.
    • Grails services and Google Maps
      Scott Davis shows you how you can add maps to a Grails application using freely available APIs and Web services in this latest installment of Mastering Grails. He uses the trip-planner sample application from previous installments and takes it to the next level with geocoding, Google Maps, and Grails services.
    • Grails and the mobile Web
      The number of cell phone users worldwide is at 3.3 billion and rising, and Internet access from mobile phones is on a rapidly upward trajectory. Developing for the mobile Web has its unique demands. In this Mastering Grails installment, Scott Davis shows you how to make your Grails applications mobile phone friendly.
    • Grails and legacy databases
      In this Mastering Grails installment, Scott Davis explores the various ways that Grails can use database tables that don't conform to the Grails naming standard. If you have Java classes that already map to your legacy databases, Grails allows you to use them unchanged. You'll see examples that use Hibernate HBM files and Enterprise JavaBeans 3 annotations with legacy Java classes.
    • The Grails event model
      Everything in Grails, from build scripts to individual artifacts such as domain classes and controllers, throw events at key points during an application's life cycle. In this Mastering Grails installment, you'll learn how to set up listeners to catch these events and react to them with custom behavior.
    • RESTful Grails
      We live in the era of mashups. Creating Web pages that give users the information they want is a good start, but offering a source of raw data that other Web developers can easily mix in with their own applications is better. In this installment of Mastering Grails, Scott Davis introduces various ways to get Grails to produce XML instead of the usual HTML.
    • Testing your Grails application
      Grails makes it easy to ensure that your Web applications start out bug free and stay that way. As a bonus, you can leverage your test code to produce a rich set of executable documentation that is always up-to-date. This month, Grails guru Scott Davis shows you the Grails testing ropes.
    • Asynchronous Grails with JSON and Ajax
      JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) and Asynchronous JavaScript + XML (Ajax) are staples of Web 2.0 development. In this installment of the Mastering Grails series, author Scott Davis demonstrates the native JSON and Ajax capabilities baked into the Web framework.
    • Grails in the enterprise
      In this installment of Mastering Grails, series author Scott Davis puts to rest any qualms about Grails' readiness for the enterprise. You'll see how to use Grails with enterprise-caliber libraries including the Java Management Extensions (JMX), Spring, and log4j.


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